Question categories

Rather than keeping all your questions in one big list, you can create categories to keep them in.

Categories can be created or deleted at will. But :

  • There must be at least one category in each context. So you cannot delete the last category in a context.
  • When you try to delete a category containing questions, then you will be asked to specify another category to move them to.

You can arrange your categories in a hierarchy so that they are easier to manage.

  • The up and down arrow keys change the order in which categories which are peers of each other are listed.
  • You can also move a category to a new context with the up / down arrows.
  • The left and right arrows are used to change the parent category of a category.
  • A possibly quicker way to move categories is to click on the edit icon and then use the category select box to select a new parent category.

See also :

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