
You can specify different navigation aids for a Hot Potatoes Quiz.

Moodle navigation bar
The standard Moodle navigation bar will be displayed in the same window as the quiz at the top of the page.

Moodle navigation frame
The standard Moodle navigation bar will be displayed in a separate frame at the top of the quiz.

Embedded IFRAME
The standard Moodle navigation bar will be displayed in the same window as the quiz and the quiz will be embedded in an IFRAME.

Hot Potatoes quiz buttons
The quiz will be displayed with the navigation buttons, if any, defined in the quiz.

A single "Give Up" button
The quiz will be displayed with a single "Give Up" button at the top of the page.

The quiz will be displayed with no navigation aids. i.e. neither a Moodle navigation bar nor any Hot Potatoes navigation buttons. When all questions on the current quiz have been answered correctly, Moodle will either return to the course page or display the next quiz, depending on the setting of the "Show next quiz?" field for the current quiz.

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Mostrar esta ayuda en: Español - Internacional

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